
Internet2 NET+ Security and Identity Portfolio Update for Cybersecurity Awareness Month

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By Nick Lewis, Internet2 Program Manager

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

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I hope everyone made it through the start of the fall semester because we didn’t have much of a choice! After talking with many people who are on campuses right now, I know all are moving as fast as they possibly can to keep up with everything that’s changing.

With that in mind, here is a quick recap of two community highlights surrounding security and identity this month:

For anyone who might have missed other recent announcements about NET+ Security and Identity Portfolio – including our Community Calls, Service Advisory Board opportunities, and service updates – I’ve put together brief summaries of each below.

Community Calls

Even throughout the pandemic, people want to talk and collaborate with their peers to find solutions to their most pressing challenges as quickly as possible. Some of our NET+ Community Calls have been initiated by community request and others at the direction of the Service Advisory Boards based on ongoing community conversations. Calls range from small groups to 100+ campus representatives on a call engaging with their peers. 

I2 Cloud NET+

The NET+ Code42 program has community calls in development for later in the year and will be announced to NET+ Code42 subscribers. The NET+ Duo program has a call with the REN-ISAC community where we talk about effective practices for using Duo on campuses, recent attacks, how to use certain features, and more. The NET+ Palo Alto Networks Community Calls started with the launch of the new program to share about the service offerings and bundles. NET+ Splunk Community Calls continued in 2021 based on Service Advisory Board input, as campuses have been discussing how to manage log data in Splunk, Oracle logging, Splunk Cloud, workload pricing, and other topics. 

Would you like to see any other community calls or opportunities for engagement? Let me know if you have suggestions or want an invite to our ongoing calls. 

Service Advisory Board Engagement

Another opportunity for engagement is participating in one of the NET+ Service Advisory Boards, which provide oversight, community input, and guidance for NET+ programs. These advisory boards frequently discuss new features and functionality, offering input to service providers to help prioritize feature development and service models for the higher education environment. They also have open discussions on challenges that campuses are currently facing to share solutions and collaborate with service providers on those solutions. 

We are currently recruiting for the NET+ Duo and NET+ Splunk Service Advisory Boards. More details can be found on the NET+ Services and Advisory Board wiki

Service Updates

NET+ Code42 recently added a new pricing option to make it easier for campuses to cover all their knowledge workers, along with a new insider risk management program. 

The NET+ Duo program hosted two community webinars, one on device security and the other on the Duo Universal Prompt update. The second webinar offered early access to the Universal Prompt update for NET+ Duo subscribers, along with an opportunity to give feedback and ask questions of the Duo team. Please contact me if you want access to the recording. We’re planning to host another Duo webinar in January 2022, during which one campus will share their experience deploying the update. 

The NET+ LastPass program has been busy signing up new and transitioning campuses to the updated NET+ LastPass program

The NET+ Palo Alto Networks program is still in the starting stages, making the community aware of the new program and its benefits, including how one campus was able to cover twice what they had initially planned because of the savings offered through the NET+ Palo Alto Networks service. 

The NET+ Splunk program has been discussing adding Splunk Cloud and invites community input. Please reach out to me if you’re interested in adding Splunk Cloud to the NET+ Splunk program or have other suggestions for the program to address with Splunk.  

Wrapping It Up

I’ve received very helpful feedback from the community about how challenging it can be to keep track of the many opportunities to engage with their peers, so I hope this overview blog is helpful! 

Please reach out to me at nlewis@internet2.edu if you have any questions about NET+ Community Calls, want to be involved in a Service Advisory Board, are interested in learning more about a service, or just have questions or suggestions. We also welcome your suggestions for new NET+ services

I’m happy to discuss this, and I hope to see you at future events!