
2021 in Review: Community Connects with Internet2 Network, Cloud, Research and Events News

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By Miriam Finet, Internet2 Web Content Manager

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Happy New Year! It’s safe to say the Internet2 community last year eagerly followed the progress of the Next Generation Infrastructure (NGI) and news about the Internet2 Network.

Based on 2021 engagement metrics, a whopping six of the top 20 blog posts and news announcements featured NGI and Internet2 Network topics.

But it wasn’t all network news in 2021. You and others in the Internet2 community also searched for more information on eduroam updates, the Cloud and NET+ blog posts, I2 Online webinars (which were extremely popular as we continued to host virtual programming), and grant announcements, to name a few. When we reflect on 2021, and as our list below shows, it’s clear that the Internet2 community stayed highly engaged in research and education (R&E) topics via blog posts, videos, and virtual events.

Without further ado, here are the top 20 blog posts and announcements in terms of relevance, Internet2 website page views, and Speed Read email clicks from 2021: 

Website at Internet2

The Next Generation Infrastructure (NGI) program is a full set of activities that review and update the services, value, and supporting technology of the Internet2 infrastructure portfolio.

Thye Internet2 Network provides advanced capabilities in support of research and academic collaborations across the U.S.
I2 Network card

NGI, Internet2 Network News

Security News

Security Scene illustration with lock

Cloud, NET+ News

I2 Cloud NET+

Research News

Dana Brunson photo
Dana Brunson, Internet2 Executive Director, Research Engagement

Community News

Ann Doyle plays guitary and records using low latency technology in the performing arts

Reach Out

As we begin a new year, we hope to continue to blog about the topics and issues that matter to you. We’d love to hear your thoughts on R&E topics we should be covering, so please reach out by visiting our Media Resources page and filling out our form! Also, be sure to check out our new YouTube channel for the latest Internet2 video highlights!