2022 Internet2 Technology Exchange | Dec. 5-9, Denver, Colo.

Cloud Sessions

Emerging Cloud Technologies for Your Institution

Interwoven into much of our campus and network activities, this track focuses on emerging technologies in the Cloud.

Monday, December 5

All Events Are Mountain Time

Time Session Abstract Room
9 a.m.-5 p.m.               AWS Game Day (Separate Registration Required) Governor’s Square 14
1:30-4:30 p.m.               TUTORIAL: Resilient Connectivity Architectures for Your Cloud Environment (Separate Registration Required) | View Presentation Governor’s Square 10
1:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.       .        TUTORIAL: Scalable RDM in the Cloud with Globus (Separate Registration Required) Governor’s Square 11

Tuesday, Dec. 6

All Events Are Mountain Time

Time Session Speaker(s) Institution Room
7-8:30 a.m. Breakfast Plaza Ballroom A/B/C
7-8 a.m.    Newcomer Breakfast
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Plaza Ballroom A/B/C
9-9:50 a.m.    CMMC Cloud Compliance – Technical Journey and Analysis of Implementation
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Chris Horen
Barbara Schnell
University of Colorado
University of Colorado
Governor’s Square 16
9:50-10:20 a.m..               Refreshment Break Plaza Exhibit Foyer
10:20-11:10 a.m.    Strengthening Cybersecurity with Google
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Kristy Patullo                   
Google Plaza Ballroom F
11:20 a.m.
-12:10 p.m.           
Globus: To Compute and Beyond!
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Vas Vasiliadis University of Chicago Governor’s Square 16
12:10-1:40 p.m. Lunch Plaza Ballroom A/B/C
12:10-1:40 p.m. MS-CC Campus Perspectives on Community Building to Enable Cyberinfrastructure View Abstract Governor’s Square 11
12:10-1:40 p.m.                                                Catalyzing Cloud Adoption Through CLASS View Abstract Plaza Court 1
1:40-2:30 p.m.    The Case for “Cloud Native” Network & Security Architecture (Part I)
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John Bailey

Kevin Murakoshi
Kristy Patullo
Ken Hoover
Washington University of St. Louis
Amazon Web Services
Governor’s Square 16
2:40-3:30 p.m.    The Case for “Cloud Native” Network & Security Architecture (Part II)
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John Bailey

Kevin Murakoshi
Kristy Patullo
Ken Hoover
Washington University of St. Louis
Amazon Web Services
Governor’s Square 16
3:30-4 p.m.    Refreshment Break Plaza Exhibit Foyer
4-4:50 p.m.    The Case for “Cloud Native” Network & Security Architecture (Part III) John Bailey Washington University of St. LouisGovernor’s Square 16
5-6 p.m.    Welcome Social Sponsored by LastPass Plaza Exhibit Foyer

Wednesday, Dec. 7

All Events Are Mountain Time

Time Session Speaker(s) Institution Room
7-8:30 a.m. Breakfast Plaza Ballroom A/B/C
7-8:30 a.m.    NET+ CSTAAC (Invitation Only) View Abstract Director’s Row J
9-9:50 a.m.    Leveraging Cloud – Smaller Institutions
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Forough Ghahramani
John Hicks
Governor’s Square 16
9:50-10:20 a.m..       .       Refreshment Break Plaza Exhibit Foyer
10:20-11:10 a.m.    The Best of the Cloud Forum
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–AWS Account Migration at the University of Chicago
–So, You Want to Move to the Cloud. What Could Go Wrong?
–Let a Thousand PaaSes Bloom
–Provisioning GovCloud Accounts

Shelley Rossell, University of Chicago
Bob Flynn, Internet2
Matthew Rich, Northwestern University
Shelley Rossell, University of Chicago
Governor’s Square 16
11:20 a.m.-12:10 p.m.    Zero Trust Federations
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Robert Bohn NISTPlaza Ballroom F
12:10-1:40 p.m.        I2I: Creating a Mentorship Program View Abstract Director’s Row H
12:10-1:40 p.m. Lunch Plaza Ballroom A/B/C
1:40-2:30 p.m.    Moving from Cloud Chaos to Standards
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Khalid Ahmadzai
Kari Robertson
Matt Stout
University of California-Office of the President
University of California-Office of the President
University of California-Office of the President
Governor’s Square 16
2:40-3:30 p.m.    Measuring the Impact of Public Cloud
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Jason Armbruster
Matthew Rich
James Bennett
Kari Robertson
University of Colorado
Northwestern University
Indiana University
University of California Office of the President
Governor’s Square 16
3:30-4 p.m.    Refreshment Break Plaza Exhibit Foyer
4-4:50 p.m.    The Cloud Architecture of the US eduroam
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Mark Donnelly Painless Security Governor’s Square 15
5-6 p.m.    Social Happy Hour Plaza Exhibit Foyer

Thursday, Dec. 8

All Events Are Mountain Time

Time Session Speaker(s) Institution Room
7-8:30 a.m.    Breakfast Plaza Ballroom A/B/C
9-9:50 a.m.    Developing for the Cloud, in the Cloud
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Michael Klein Northwestern UniversityGovernor’s Square 16
9:50-10:20 a.m.    Refreshment Break Plaza Exhibit Foyer
10:20-11:10 a.m.    Cost Czar: Balancing in the Cloud
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Bringing Your Own IP Addresses to the Cloud
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Tim Champ

Steven Wallace



Governor’s Square 16
11:20 a.m.-12:10 p.m.    Launchpad: A Hybrid Cloud Platform
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James Bennett Indiana University Governor’s Square 16
12:10-1:40 p.m. Lunch Plaza Ballroom A/B/C
12:10-1:40 p.m. Industry Member Appreciation Lunch (Invitation Only) View Abstract Governor’s Square 12
1:40-2:30 p.m.    Coping with the Death of Unlimited Storage
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Bob Flynn
Helen Hockx-Yu   
John Bailey
Hellen Zziwa

University of Notre Dame
Washington University in St. Louis
Harvard University
Governor’s Square 16
2:40-3:05 p.m.    What is a Cloud Center of Excellent and How Do I Build One?
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Chris Kuehn AWSGovernor’s Square 16
3:05-3:30 p.m.    Shifting Backup Storage Away from AWS
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John Bailey Washington University Governor’s Square 16
3:30-4 p.m.    Refreshment Break Plaza Ballroom A/B/C