
Security Scene: May Edition

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By Adair Thaxton
Internet2 Cyberinfrastructure Security Engineer

Security Scene illustration with lock

Happy … April, I think? Wait, it’s May? I’ve lost track.

You may have heard about Cloudflare’s website, isbgpsafeyet.com. Their site tests whether your ISP can load a page from an RPKI-Valid IP block, and from an RPKI-Invalid IP block.

As you probably know, Internet2 has had an ongoing project to improve routing security with MANRS and RPKI implementation. (We’ve mentioned it in passing a couple times.) Is your campus or regional planning to implement RPKI and take action on invalid routes? Some of the European networks have begun to drop invalid routes, joining AT&T and SIX in the U.S.

We had a pretty great turnout at the webinar for the MANRS observatory session yesterday. If you missed it, you can still view the recording.

An update for a previous topic, which was categorized under “things that may interest only me,” is that Microsoft bought corp.com. As a result, many internal corporate networks, which were using that domain after seeing it in setup documents long ago, will not have their traffic sent to The Bad Guys. The whois and nslookup data haven’t yet changed, so the purchase may not have officially gone through yet, but it’s still a promising update.

Cisco has announced that CiscoLive will be held online this year, free of charge. They always have a lot of security content that can be very informative, whether you want to learn about protocols or their solutions.

Don’t forget that Mother’s Day is May 10, so get your favorite wife, significant other, mom, and/or grandma something special. Don’t forget your favorite animal moms, too!

Here is your FYI Link of the Month. The case in front of the Supreme Court is whether to narrow what is being considered as “hacking” in arrests under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. The case being appealed is one in which a police officer used a police database that he was allowed to use as part of his job, and sold information obtained from it. Was it correct to categorize that as hacking?

Steven Wallace’s IRR Office Hours seemed to be very useful for the community — each session saw him individually help different members to understand more fully what they needed to do. If you need help, please email irr-help@internet2.edu and let us know.

If you haven’t filled out the survey about the potentiality of a virtual TechEX/other online event this fall, please do! This survey is expected to remain live until July 15.

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