
Internet2 Successfully Completes OESS Migration to Insight Console Virtual Networks

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By Linda Roos, Internet2 Senior Director for State and Regional Networks

During the weekend of Oct. 28-29, Internet2 migrated all active connections from OESS and the Cloud Connect Portal to Insight Console Virtual Networks. The effort encompassed the migration of over 2,000 connections with zero downtime.

Virtual Networks is the latest feature added to Internet2 Insight Console, a web-based user interface that allows members to visualize, manage, and troubleshoot Internet2 network services.

Internet2 Insight Console logo

Create, Modify Connections with Virtual Networks

Within Insight Console, Virtual Networks is now available for building new connections and modifying existing connections. Currently, the feature fully supports creating, modifying, and deleting non-cloud and Cloud Connect connections for AWS Direct Connect. Once you make a change in Virtual Networks, it is implemented through back-end automation and orchestration systems.

At this time, if you need to create, modify, or delete a Cloud Connect connection for Azure ExpressRoute, GCP Partner Interconnect, or Oracle FastConnect, sign into Insight Console and then make the change using the Virtual Networks interface. A service request will be automatically generated and sent to Internet2 engineering staff who will manually complete the last steps for you. The service request may take one business day to complete. If your request is urgent, please contact the Internet2 Network Operations Center and provide the Virtual Connection ID or Virtual Space ID displayed in Insight Console for which you are requesting a change. 

Full support for creating, modifying, and deleting Azure, GCP, and Oracle Cloud Connect connections will arrive in the coming weeks.

Virtual Networks Office Hours

To learn more about Virtual Networks, join us for upcoming office hours:

  • Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023 – 2-4 p.m. ET
  • Thursday, Nov. 2, 2023 – 2-4 p.m. ET
  • Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023 – 2-4 p.m. ET
  • Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 – 2-4 p.m. ET

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