
InCommon IAM Online Speaker Spotlight: Internet2’s Johnny Lasker and Provision IAM’s Matt Growden

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By Apryl Motley - Technical Writer & Communications Lead, Internet2 Trust and Identity/NET+ Service

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Johnny Lasker, principal service integration engineer in the Trust & Identity division at Internet2,  and Matt Growden, CISSP, executive director of Identity Services at InCommon Catalyst Provision IAM, will be two of our featured speakers for “eduroam Logs: Demo of Grafana with IAM ” as part of IAM Online on Wednesday, Nov. 15 at 1 p.m. ET.

Matt Growden smiling for a photo.
Matt Growden, CISSP, Executive Director of Identity Services, Provision IAM

Best IAM advice He Ever Received:
“Make sure you have proper buy-in from your stakeholders before you start. One of the worst feelings you can have is to spend months building an IAM solution and then have to retool several IAM processes because you did not have stakeholder buy-in initially.”

Johnny Lasker smiling for a photo.
Johnny Lasker, Principal Service Integration Engineer, Internet2 Trust & Identity

Best IAM advice He Ever Received:
“The earlier IAM comes up and is represented in the onboarding of a new service, the easier your job will be.” (Mairéad Martin, CIO of EDUCAUSE, 2018-2022.)

They will be joined by Provision IAM’s Stephen Fox, Internet2’s Paul Caskey, and InCommon Catalyst Evolveum’s Slavek Licehammer. Brett Bieber, assistant vice president for Information Technology Services at the University of Nebraska and chair of the eduroam-US Advisory Committee, will serve as moderator.

InCommon Catalysts Evolveum and Provision IAM, in collaboration with Internet2, will deliver a live demonstration of using midPoint to manage authorized access to eduroam logs via Grafana/Loki. Johnny and Matt shared why this type of collaboration is so important.

“It’s helpful to illustrate how systems and people collaborate in service of externalizing authentication and authorization,” Johnny observed. “I hope attendees see opportunities within their own organizations to leverage these patterns and tools to securely empower their users and in the process, potentially lighten their own administrative overhead. 

“This is really an illustration of how Grouper and midPoint (both part of InCommon’s Trusted Access Platform) and other technologies can come together to solve a problem,” Matt noted. “It is a short case study in what you can build at your institution with trusted, open-source identity and access management solutions in an incredibly cost-effective way.”

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