
They Got IAM Done. Better. Faster. Together.

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By Apryl Motley - Technical Writer & Communications Lead, Internet2 Trust and Identity/NET+ Service

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Lessons Learned During the 2022-23 InCommon Collaboration Success Program Cohort 

Congratulations to the 2022-23 InCommon Collaboration Success Program (CSP) Cohort participants! They concluded their work together earlier this month. Nine institutions participated in this year’s cohort:

These organizations are now alumni contributors, joining their peers at 28 other research and education institutions that have participated in CSP.

The organizations participating in the most recent cohort took advantage of all that CSP offers to Get IAM Done. Better. Faster. Together. Here are some of their lessons learned along the way:

  • Don’t be afraid to change course. If your team is able to do this, it can be an important element of success. For example, there might be an interim solution needed. Take a close look at what’s most digestible or scalable for progress versus long-term needs. By changing course in your approach, you may find that there is some risk that you can mitigate making those changes.
  • Seek direction from the get-go. For schools “green” going into the program, they didn’t really know what they didn’t know or they didn’t know what they needed. It might have been helpful to have some upfront consultancy to determine what your problem is,  and here’s where you should focus during the CSP, really pay attention to these aspects. (Note: CSP participants have access to InCommon Catalysts before, during, and after the program.) 
  • Align IAM strategy and business needs. CSP gives institutions a clear understanding of their current IAM state of affairs. Participation in the program allows teams to vet and eliminate potential solutions previously considered as well as better understand their current staffing levels and future needs.
InCommon Collaboration Success Program logo

Interested in joining the next cohort?

To get more information about the benefits of this fee-based program, please complete this form by July 17. (This is not a firm commitment; we’ll ask for that later.) We will follow up with you about your plans and fit for the program. Please visit our website for more details, including a timeline, or email training@incommon.org.

With the completion of the 2022-23 cohort, the collaboration will continue amongst newcomers and established members of the InCommon community as they take full advantage of the wonderful opportunity CSP offers for ongoing peer support to Get IAM Done. Better. Faster. Together. 

Want to join the next cohort beginning in August 2023? Let us know you’re interested.

About the CSP

CSP supports institutions’ identity and access management (IAM) goals through a cohort-driven program that promotes collaboration among participants, program alumni, seasoned community implementers, and subject matter experts. 

Key features of the program include:

  • Personalized assessments with suggested actions to advance IAM plans
  • Eight seats in the InCommon Trusted Access Platform training for Shibboleth, Grouper, COmanage, and midPoint
  • Hosted workbench to model plans with the containerized InCommon software suite
  • Priority access to developers and community implementers
  • CSP attracts organizations that embrace the IAM community to help flesh out their plans, identify what to tackle first, and get training and tailored support along the way. This year’s cohort includes seven new and two returning participants.


Get IAM Done. Better. Faster. Together. 2022-23 InCommon Collaboration Success Program Cohort Currently Under Way

Building Your Bench with the InCommon Collaboration Success Program