
Bits & Bytes from InCommon BaseCAMP 2022: Our Lessons and Our Thanks

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By Erin Murtha - Director, InCommon Academy

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Tents assembled; eyes and ears opened. InCommon BaseCAMP 2022 attendees came ready to learn and help others do the same. Here are some examples of the great lessons shared during our 20-plus hours together (June 6–10, 2022):

  • The goal is to learn, share, and have fun. “If everyone shares, everyone can learn.” (Kevin Morooney, vice president of Trust and Identity and NET+, Internet2).
  • You never stop learning. “The nice thing about Identity is that you can spend a whole career in it, and there’s still always something new to learn.”
  • Together we can solve problems. “There will always be a problem with whatever stack you are running. The community makes it possible to have input to get them corrected.”

Thanks Offered

We cannot thank all our attendees enough for being engaged participants in last week’s events. You were our largest group ever for InCommon BaseCAMP at 100-plus attendees, representing:

  • 3 countries (Canada, the U.S., and Slovakia)
  • 27 states
  • 36 universities, 4 colleges, and 2 U.S. Department of Energy labs
  • 12 service providers

We also extend another round of thanks to our sponsors, InCommon Catalysts

  • Cirrus Identity
  • Unicon
  • West Arete

And we love it when a plan comes together, in this instance in large part due to the wonderful work of the community members on our planning committee:

  • Tom Jordan, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Warren Leung, UC Irvine
  • Ben Rappleyea, Illinois State
  • Summer Scanlan, UC Berkeley
  • Jeff Williams, UNC Greensboro 
  • Kathy Wright, Clemson


If you weren’t able to go camping with us this year, don’t worry! We will be making selected sessions from InCommon BaseCAMP 2022 available through IAM Online. Check back for more information!

More Tent Time!

We hope to see you around the campfire again, December 5–7 in Denver at TechEx 22. Until then, remember the scout’s motto: “Be prepared.” 

On a personal note, I want to thank each and every member of our community that I have had the pleasure to work with over the years. While I’ll still be an active member of our community, it is bittersweet that InCommon BaseCAMP 2022 is the last event that I’ll be helping to lead at Internet2. I will be transitioning to UNC Charlotte to fill the role of assistant vice chancellor for projects and planning for OneIT. Please keep in touch!

For general information and questions about InCommon, contact help@incommon.org

Praise for InCommon BaseCAMP 2022!
—“Thanks to all the organizers, presenters, and participants. After three years of virtual conferences, I can say this was the best! Great work!”
—”This whole week and hearing others speak has cleared most of my imposter syndrome. Everyone has been so helpful and willing to learn from each other.”
– “This event was filled with valuable knowledge, and it was a great experience. The community is welcoming and truly wonderful. Each person involved genuinely wanted to help and make your IAM journey better.”
– “For those who are new to Identity and Access Management, especially in higher ed, this is the place to come to get a flavor of everything that is possible, affirmation that the struggle is real, and you’re not in it alone.”