
BaseCAMP 2021: Join Us for Identity and Access Management Basics with Experienced Faculty

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Identity Management, Software Solutions, and More!

Looking to ramp up on Identity and Access Management fundamentals? Curious about higher education-developed solutions for IAM software? Interested in the InCommon Federation? Then the virtual BaseCAMP 2021, held July 12-16, 2021, is the place to be. Register today!

BaseCAMP provides:

  • An introduction to the basics of identity and access management  —  whether you manage identities, make resources available to those from other organizations, or both.
  • An introduction to the InCommon Federation, the U.S. identity federation serving education and research.
  • An overview and demonstrations of the community-developed identity and access management suite, the InCommon Trusted Access Platform, and the role it can play in your IAM system.

It’s not just a meeting. It’s CAMP!

This event will span half-days during the week of July 12 – 16, 2021. Here are some session highlights:

  • Identity management overview – an interactive mini-course with the basics
  • Federation basics – covering roles, user experiences, and technology – from both an identity provider and service provider perspective
  • Solutions Salon – you can pick from among general IAM-related challenges and walk through the solutions. A few of the topics include guest access, onboarding new users, managing access with groups, and creating collaboration infrastructures.

Other topics include DevOps, moving to the cloud, and sessions specific to software like Shibboleth, Grouper, COmanage, and midPoint.

Professional Development and Collaboration

  • Participate in a workshop-like environment, emphasizing interactive  sessions (with no long lectures to sit through!)
  • Find solutions for common issues whether you offer service or have users that access services.
  • Learn about IAM, Federation, and community-developed open source software.
  • Gain the knowledge and connections that will help you in your organization and with your career.

Who Should go CAMPing?

  • Management and technical staff new to Identity and Access Management or Federated Access.
  •  Those responsible for the operation of an Identity and Access Management system or components –   in higher education, at a research organization, or at a service provider .
  • Those considering retooling their IAM systems to at least partially incorporate open source solutions
  • Those wanting to learn more about the IAM software suite, the InCommon Trusted Access Platform and its components. For those that have been around a while, this translates to Shibboleth, Grouper, COmanage, and midPoint. 

View the full program and register today!