
Accelerating AI Adoption: The Impact of Internet2 Training Programs on Research and Education

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By Amanda Tan - Internet2 Research Engagement Program Manager

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of innovation in research and education. However, the complexity and specialized knowledge required to deploy AI technologies present significant barriers to widespread adoption. 

In response to training needs communicated to Internet2 from the higher education and research community, the CLASS program has built several workshops to help campuses and research institutions better adopt new AI technologies. 

These workshops help equip researchers, educators, and IT professionals with the necessary skills to build, manage, and harness the potential of new AI tools.

Upcoming AI Workshops

October 9, 2024
Developing Intelligent Applications Using LLMs

Learn More & Register

November 6, 2024
Introduction to AI for Galleries, Libraries, and Museums

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Bridging the Skills Gap with Targeted Training

One of the primary obstacles to AI adoption is the need for more expertise among researchers and IT staff. Internet2 addresses this through its Cloud Learning and Skills Sessions (CLASS) programs, which offer targeted training designed to build proficiency in AI and cloud computing.

These training sessions are comprehensive and tailored to the unique needs of the research community. 

During CLASS events, participants learn how to leverage AI tools across multiple cloud platforms, including AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. This vendor-neutral approach ensures that researchers can develop AI solutions that are flexible and adaptable to various environments, which is critical for the diverse needs of academic research.

Hands-On Learning for Real-world Applications

Internet2’s training programs emphasize practical, hands-on learning that goes beyond theoretical knowledge. Participants engage in labs, case studies, and collaborative projects that simulate real-world scenarios. 

An upcoming workshop, “Developing Intelligent Applications Using LLMs,” will offer an in-depth learning experience focused on building AI-driven applications with large language models (LLMs). Participants will explore the latest techniques in leveraging LLMs to enhance application functionality in building a question-and-answer application using public data.

This Oct. 9 workshop is designed for developers and researchers eager to deepen their understanding and practical skills in cutting-edge AI technologies. It provides them with the tools and knowledge to implement advanced solutions in real-world scenarios.

“I want people to gain a solid understanding of generative AI technologies, particularly how generative AI can be used in the context of higher education, and learn practical tips for developing generative AI applications,” said Sujee Maniyam, the instructor of the Oct. 9 workshop.

Supporting the Integration of AI Across Disciplines

AI is not limited to computer science; its applications span various disciplines, from the humanities to the hard sciences. The CLASS program recognizes this and provides training supporting AI integration across different academic fields. 

The upcoming “Introduction to AI for Galleries, Libraries, and Museums” workshop (held on Nov. 6) will help cultural heritage professionals apply AI to improve curation, accessibility, and visitor engagement. 

By catering to diverse fields, the CLASS program is helping to democratize AI adoption across the academic spectrum.

If you’re eager to develop new skills related to AI technologies applicable to your field of research, check out all of our upcoming AI-focused workshops on the CLASS events calendar

Join us in an upcoming workshop and become a part of the next wave of AI innovation in research and education.