Internet2 Roadmap Priorities

Convening, Collaborating, and Partnering

Advance opportunities to convene, collaborate, and partner with a wider array of research and education institutions, the regional networks that serve them, affiliates, and the private sector industries that deliver solutions.

Internet2 received valuable input during the
initial phases of the Internet2 Roadmap, and is presenting feedback to community leaders and advisory groups.

Within the Convening, Collaborating, and Partnering priorities, it was expressed that Internet2 should work to develop:

Internet2 Continues to Process Feedback, Develop Initiatives

Internet2 will continue to evaluate the rapid pace of change in technology and innovation to ensure we include processes to regularly reassess individual initiatives for relevancy considering broader changes to the research and education landscape. Additionally, Internet2 will utilize the 2024 established working group on innovation and transformation, chaired by community members. This working group will be a vehicle to assess new issues that emerge over time.

Thank You

Internet2 would like to thank all who participated in this effort and provided us with such rich feedback on Internet2’s Future Roadmap. We believe we have developed a strong cohesive plan that will support the needs of the community for the coming years. While some of the initiatives are, or have been, underway, others will just be starting and may require further discussion and collaboration as they develop. As always, we look forward to working with you together on these initiatives, and we will provide regular updates on the plans as we progress and move forward.