Members of the Internet2 community participating in the Roadmap.
A Commitment to Progress
You spoke, we listened. In 2022 and 2023, Internet2 gathered community input to improve our services to the research and education communities to develop the Internet2 Roadmap.
By discovering what Internet2 stakeholders value and applying what is learned from listening to them, Internet2 strives to continuously improve its service to the research and education community. Read the latest on our progress.
Internet2 received valuable input during the initial phases of the Internet2 Roadmap — an ongoing effort to reflect stakeholders’ commitment to strengthening Internet2’s services, solutions, and capabilities.
This feedback enables Internet2 to continuously improve its service to the research and education community. From this input, Internet2 has made progress on three strategic priorities.
Members of the Internet2 community participating in the Roadmap.
Number of working groups informing Internet2 direction and strategy
Multi-year plan for improvements
In-person community attendees at Internet2 anchor events in 2024
Access materials and resources below, including the full detailed report of all the community input collected throughout the Roadmap process.
Have a question? Email us at roadmap@internet2.edu. |