
Next Generation Infrastructure Service Model Update

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By George Loftus
Internet2 Associate Vice President, Network Services

The NGI project seeks to support five key use cases to update the value of the Internet2 Network service offerings. These include support for the data intensive researcher, supporting adoption of cloud services, providing more software and automation in the infrastructure, supporting edge-to-edge collaboration across the ecosystem and resetting economies of the infrastructure for scale.

A key part of delivering on these NGI objectives is establishing updated fee structures that allow regional networks to access more bandwidth, establish more resiliency and generally have more flexibility in the way they use the NGI platform.

In the fall of 2018, a Service Model Subcommittee (SMS) was formed as part of the overall Network Architecture, Operations and Policy Program Advisory Group (NAOPpag) NGI Committee to review a new service model being created as part of the Next Generation Infrastructure (NGI). The SMS reviewed and provided input on several Service Models proposed by Internet2 staff. 

Community members provided input at many stages in the development of the proposed Service Model (2019 Tempe Connector/Network Member Principals’ meeting, 2019 Global Summit, Community Webinar in April ‘19). We heard that the community wanted Internet2 to provide the services that are widely used by the community as part of a platform that would provide the most value to our collective members. We were encouraged to create a model that would sustain the network and allow for the adoption of more capacity when the technology solutions allow.  We also heard that any additional optional services should be offered at lower, marginal costs to encourage easy adoption by the community. . 

A proposed Platform Model was presented at the July 2019 Community Architects’ Workshop. In August 2019, Rob Vietzke, VP of Network Services, discussed the Platform Fee Model with the Internet2 Board of Trustees. In September 2019, the SMS reconvened to discuss the input that Internet2 staff had received and to review the presentation of Platform Fee Model to R&E network members. The next step is to introduce the updated Platform Fee Model more broadly to the Connector/Network Member Principals and then to have individual discussions with connectors about how they would adopt the Platform fee approach. These discussions will begin later in September and the Platform Fee is slated to be implemented in early 2021.

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