
NAOPpag 2021 Strategic Discussion Topics

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By Linda Roos, Internet2 Senior Director, State and Regional Networks

The Network Architecture, Operations and Policy Program Advisory Group (NAOPpag) provides strategic advice to the leadership of Network Services on all aspects of designing, operating, sustaining, and coordinating advanced network services that support the requirements and aspirations of the Internet2 community for advanced global end-to-end network capabilities. For 2021, the NAOP created a list of nine strategic topics that they wanted to work on. After some discussion, the group decided to focus their discussion and work on three topics to kick off the year. The three topics are:

  1. Network support for science projects/support for research

Internet2 will describe the types of research support requests that Internet2 Network Services receives and how Internet2 responds to those requests while balancing limited resources. The NAOPpag will update and describe the approach, resources and priority that Internet2 should consider for support of research from network services. 

  1. Edge-to-edge Service Orchestration

Campus administrative and research leaders have asked providers in the ecosystem (Internet2, regionals, campus IT) to simplify support for edge-to-edge community traffic flows from one campus to another (or to the cloud). While traditionally this has included “provisioning,” a complete approach would also include measurement, telemetry, and operational considerations. The NAOPpag will investigate how to pursue multi-provider coordination and service provisioning across Internet2, global and regional networks and consider this from multiple perspectives.

  1. Service Management and Evolution of Cloud-Access strategy

Internet2 has seen substantial interest in its Cloud Connect offering for access to the “direct connect” products of the big three commercial cloud providers. The service allows the community to leverage existing R&E connections but will require continuous investment to meet the flurry of commercial offerings and a rapidly evolving cloud environment. The NAOPpag will develop a service management process to ensure that the service is meeting current needs and recommend an appropriate cadence for future feature enhancements and investments.

We will be working on these topics with the program advisory group throughout the year and interspersing current topics relevant to the next generation infrastructure, operations and policy activities that emerge throughout the year. The other six topics that may be considered in the future include: Future network security program direction, International networking strategy review, National and international R&E Networking policy discussions, 5G and wireless, Funding for networking and Understanding the value of the Internet2 Network. 

View the members of the NAOPpag.

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