
Internet2 Events Update

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By Glenn Lipscomb, Associate VP of Strategic Marketing and Convening

The health and well-being of our community continues to be a top priority. Given the uncertainty around the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, both for our community in the U.S. and our colleagues globally, Internet2 has determined to cancel the 2021 Global Summit and likely other in-person events in 2021 until circumstances allow. We are committed to ensuring that the type and range of community exchanges will continue and planning is well underway to continue our virtual programming and convening of the community.

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We encourage you to check the I2 Online page often as we are continually adding additional events, workshops, and training opportunities to the schedule. As part of our planning process, we issued a short community-wide survey seeking your direct input and feedback on the types of content, programming, and formats you would like to see Internet2 host throughout this year. Please take a few minutes to tell us what you think! Survey is open until Feb. 22.