
Google Routing Policy/IRR Updates, Office Hours for Internet2 Community Network Operators

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By Steven Wallace - Director, Internet2 Routing Integrity

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Google has announced that it will require IRR records documenting the routing policy of all prefixes Google receives from its peer networks as early as October, 2019. Internet2 is providing support for campuses and regionals as they work to meet this requirement.

Current information regarding this requirement is found here.

This document will be updated on an ongoing basis with additional information. It contains information regarding the weekly IRR office hours on Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. ET as well as other general information regarding the requirement and how to stay informed. If you require assistance, please send a note to irr-help@internet2.edu.

Internet2 is hosting weekly Q/A sessions, with advisors from the community and Internet2 staff, to address questions and comments related to new requirements to document routing policies via IRRs. Internet2 staff will provide an introduction to the topic during the first 15 minutes. 

Mark your calendar for these important weekly webinar times.

Wednesdays at 3pm ET | 12pm PT – using the connection information below for each session.

September 25, 2019
October 2, 2019
Also, become a member of the NTAC IRR working group by sending e-mail to: wg-irr-request@internet2.edu 

Resource: Be Ready for Google’s New Peering Requirements

The rules for interconnecting networks that form the global Internet are changing in ways that impact the Internet2 community.

Without important action, new rules from network operators such as Google and Hurricane Electric, will significantly reduce efficiencies members receive for their investments in Internet2’s peering service–I2PX (formerly TR-CPS).

Without action by campuses and regional networks, these new rules will cause more traffic to be forced onto commercial internet links, potentially leading to higher internet costs. The changes are being implemented now, through the end of the year.

 IRRs provide network operators (such as Google) with the documentation they require from peer networks to route traffic to users. If customers’ IP addresses aren’t recorded in an IRR, then the network operator (e.g., Google) won’t accept those announcements.

 Campuses and/or Regional R&E Networks need to maintain IRR entries to solve this problem–and also to help guard against route hijacking and internet outages. Internet2 is actively working to ensure the community is well-informed and has access to the knowledge and resources required to comprehensively adopt the use of IRRs.

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