
Data Migration Tools Being Evaluated for Inclusion in the NET+ Portfolio

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By Dana Voss - Internet2 Senior Program Manager

Cloud Storage Working Group Recommends Three Service Providers for Further Evaluation

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The Internet2 NET+ team is excited to announce that the Request for Information (RFI) for Data Migration Tools issued in February 2023 resulted in the identification of three data migration providers: DryvIQ, Globus, and CloudM. The migration tools offered by these three providers are currently being evaluated for inclusion in the NET+ portfolio. 

The selection of these data migration tools was coordinated by the Data Migration sub-working group of the Cloud Storage Working Group in which more than 60 institutions participate to address and respond to challenges in effectively managing rapidly growing cloud storage needs.  

All three data migration providers have completed a Cloud Scorecard, and we are reviewing opportunities for them to participate in the formal NET+ Service Evaluation Process

Next Steps, Get Involved

University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) is sponsoring the NET+ Service Evaluation for DryvIQ. “All universities are facing ever-increasing challenges managing massive amounts of data stored in any number of cloud providers,” said Damian Doyle, UMBC’s deputy CIO and interim CISO. “We are excited about working with other universities to help update and expand the NET+ DryvIQ offering to meet some of the new challenges in this arena.” 

DryvIQ has been in the NET+ portfolio for a number of years, and we kicked off a new NET+ DryvIQ service evaluation in June to update the product list and the NET+ DryvIQ agreement. 

Internet2 is having ongoing conversations with Globus and CloudM to explore potential business models and decide on the best steps for moving forward.

If you have an interest in joining the current Service Evaluation for NET+ DryvIQ or would like to express support for a potential NET+ Service evaluation of Globus or CloudM, please contact us at netplus@internet2.edu.

About the Data Migration Sub-working Group

The Data Migration sub-working group was one of four sub-working groups formed last year to explore several aspects of cloud storage management and create best practices and documentation. Composed of more than 10 universities and led by Hellen Zziwa of Harvard University and David Cavalieri of the University of Colorado, Boulder, the sub-working group focused on the development of requirements for data migration tools to assist universities in the migration of data for storage management. These requirements were incorporated into the RFI Internet2 issued in February 2023 to better understand the solutions service providers offer to facilitate data migration. 


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Additional Resources
More information about the activities of the sub-working groups was shared during a 10 webinar series earlier this year. Recordings and other artifacts are publicly listed
DryvIQ has been in the NET+ portfolio for a number of years and is also a participant in the Cloud Scorecard.
More information about the activities of the sub-working groups was shared during a 10-webinar series earlier this year. Recordings and other artifacts are publicly listed