Membership Levels

For Affiliate and Industry members, Internet2 membership is divided into four levels (see below). A member’s level determines its annual membership dues and network participation fees.  Levels are based on annual operating budgets for Affiliate members, and annual revenues for Industry members. The annual Sustaining Contribution of Higher Education members is established on a scale-based approach (membership levels are no longer used for Higher Education members). Learn more about the scale-based method for Higher Education members.

Level 1

Includes Affiliate members with annual operating budgets greater than $1 billion and Industry members with annual revenues greater than $1 billion.

Level 2

Includes Affiliate members with annual operating budgets equal to or greater than $500 million and less than $1 billion. Includes industry members with annual revenues greater than $500 million and less than $1 billion.

Level 3

Includes Affiliate members with annual operating budgets greater than $100 million and less than $500 million. Includes industry members with annual revenues greater than $10 million and less than $500 million. Level 3 also includes all Research and Education Network members.

Level 4

Includes Affiliate members with annual operating budgets less than $100 million and Industry members with annual revenues less than $10 million. This level of membership is primarily designed for small non-profit organizations and small industry start-ups.