Internet2 Logo Usage Policy

I. General Purpose and Objectives

The Internet2 name and logo are valuable properties of the Internet2 organization and the Internet2 community because they visibly represent the commitments in advanced networking and next generation Internet development being made by Internet2 members. The purpose of this policy is to enhance and ensure the continued value of the Internet2 name and logo to the Internet2 member community.

II. General Guidelines

A. Fair Use

The term “Internet2” may be used by media, researchers, etc. as covered by fair use, but may not be altered.
Do NOT abbreviate Internet2 (ex. I2)
Do NOT put a space between the ‘t’ and ‘2′ (ex. Internet 2)
Do NOT refer to Internet2 as “the Internet2” or Internet II

B. Style guidelines

The Internet2 logo may not be altered and must follow these guidelines.

The Internet2 brand mark represents the idea of interaction, speed and direction.The unique typography overlaps the Signature 2 symbol, reflecting the partnership and participation of the entire community in leading the formation of the next-generation Internet.

Our brand mark has 3 distinct elements:

These elements appear in a fixed relationship and they should never be recreated, repositioned or redrawn. Always use electronic artwork, downloadable here.

A clear space has been defined by measuring the cap height of the word Internet. This allows our brand mark to remain free of other graphic elements such as typography, images or objects, unless specified in these guidelines.

A minimum size is recommended to prevent reproduction problems at a small scale, online or in print. Please don’t use our brand mark below the recommended minimum size (0.75″/54 pixels wide—including the clear area). Otherwise it will look like a squashed bug!

Internet2 Logo with sizes marked for styleguide

A standard size of 1.5″/108 pixels wide (including the clear area) has been set to maintain consistency. The clear area is proportional to the cap height of the letter “I” in Internet (shown as “X”).


C. Registered trademark

The Internet2 word mark and the Internet2 logo are registered trademarks. At first reference in all written, formal communication, the registered trademark indicator (®) should be used in conjunction with the Internet2 word mark and logo.

These or any other Internet2 trademarks or service marks may not be used without the written permission of Internet2. The Internet2 trademark may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not Internet2, or in any manner that is likely to cause confusion or be misleading.

All other trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks may be the property of their respective owners.

Only Members of Internet2 may use the Internet2 member logo to show affiliation with Internet2. The Internet2 Member logo may be used by member organizations without explicit prior permission so long as it stands alone and is not altered or combined with other images. Common forms may include, but are not limited to, project websites, member affiliated sites, clothing and informational material.

The Internet2 Member identifier needs to coexist with some of the world’s most ubiquitous and recognizable brands. To accomplish that, the holding box has been built to allow for greater impact and visibility in unpredictable and chaotic visual environments.

IV. Use by Non-Member Organizations

Non-member organizations may not use either the Internet2 logo or the Internet2 Member logo in any fashion to show affiliation with Internet2 without written permission from Internet2.

V. Where to get the logos

VI. Permission and Approval

The Internet2 logo may not be used to imply affiliation with, or endorsement by, Internet2 without written permission from Internet2. Once permission is granted, the logo may be used only for the stated purpose and in the manner for which permission is granted.

Each request will be evaluated individually and permission will be granted based on Internet2’s discretion. Please e-mail all questions regarding logo approval to