
Collaborate with Your Peers on New NET+ Service Evaluations

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By Tara Gyenis, NET+ Program Development Manager

As we approach the end of the calendar year, the NET+ team is pleased to announce that we are kicking off three new service evaluations that we plan to complete in early 2024 to serve the research and education (R&E) cloud community’s needs. We have heard from many of you that, in response to the changing landscape in both security and student engagement, are interested in pursuing a NET+ service evaluation for 1Password, Pathify, and third-party risk management/vendor management.

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Interested in participating in one or more NET+ service evaluations?

Or have feedback for other prospective services for the program?

Complete this brief survey.

Have you wondered what the community members who come together do to evaluate a cloud service for inclusion in the NET+ portfolio and how they benefit? As anyone who has participated will share, the relationships you build with peers and the knowledge gained in the process offer rewards far beyond a contract. Be a part of the conversation and help shape cloud service offerings for your institution and the broader community!

Vaughn learning studio

Joseph Vaughan, CIO at Harvey Mudd College, shared his perspective following the recent NET+ Miro service evaluation:  “I was curious about how Internet2 NET+ evaluations work. I found the experience reassuring – the level of scrutiny, thoughtfulness, and resources (the big institutions have specialists in all sorts of areas that we can only dream of) gave me even more confidence about signing on to a NET+  agreement.”

Check out the entries for 1Password and Pathify in the Internet2 Cloud Scorecard Directory. There you can learn more about how these services meet many of the requirements of the R&E community today. These service providers want to work with our community to further align their service features, functionality, and compliance with the unique needs of research and higher education institutions.

If you are interested in participating in one or more of these NET+ service evaluations or have feedback for other prospective services for the program, please complete this brief survey. We welcome your sharing this survey with other colleagues who might be interested. 

You can track progress for these and other NET+ Candidate Services on our community wiki page. Watch this space for announcements when new services are available.

As always, feel free to reach out directly to netplus@internet2.edu with any questions or suggestions. Thank you for your collaboration!