Cloud Scorecard Badge Usage Policy

The Internet2 Cloud Scorecard Badge is available for use by current Cloud Scorecard Participants without obtaining permission, but style specifications should be followed. The Vendor contact is provided with the PNG version of the badge for use on appropriate webpages, customer communications and social media. The badge logo should never be recreated nor enlarged. The minimum recommended reproduction size is 3”/216 pixels.

If an organization discontinues its affiliation, the badge use must cease.

Cloud Scorecard Participant badge

The goal of this policy is to promote awareness and participation in the program by encouraging appropriate use of the participant badge. Its use should not imply inaccurate affiliation with or endorsement by Internet2.

A minimum amount of clear space should be maintained around all four sides of the badge logo. This minimum space is defined as 1/3x (where X is the height of the logo). Illustrations, photography and typography should not enter the space as defined by the red rule in the graphic below. The minimum reproduction size of this badge logo is 1” wide or 72 pixels wide.