
As a NET+ Zoom member, you don’t just share documents and knowledge. You foster greater access to information and collaboration.

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Eligible Subscribers Include:

Not-for-profit higher education institutions whose main campuses are located in the United States, or entities mutually agreed to between Internet2 and Zoom.

Conferencing through the Cloud

NET+ Zoom is an online collaboration platform that helps your university address educator concerns and improves student outcomes by providing secure video communication services for hybrid classrooms, office hours, administrative meetings, and much more. The Internet2 NET+ program collaborates with Zoom to meet the needs of our community, to evaluate feature roadmaps, and to resolve issues that affect higher education.

Contact us for more information



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NET+ Zoom Provides:

Collaborate with other educators and administrators with discounted pricing and stronger agreement terms for program participants. It will allow your school to expand its impact across geographies to reach more students and offer new learning opportunities by including guest lecturers from literally anywhere.

  • HD Video and Audio Conferencing: Up to 50 people can participate in your standard meeting (Large meetings scale to 500 participants)
  • Desktop / Application Sharing: One-click HD screen sharing – even share videos with ease!
  • Video Breakout Rooms: Create up to 50 smaller teams to collaborate with and learn from one another, all within the same meeting or training session
  • Co-Annotation: Draw directly on the shared screen so that notations are visible to all attendees

Get the complete list of features from the Zoom EDU plans.


Learn More and Engage

Prospective Subscribers

Please email netplus@internet2.edu for pricing and a review copy of the community negotiated NET+ Customer Agreement. For questions about the NET+ Zoom program and benefits to participating, please review the Overview tab or email us.

Existing Subscribers

Changes to Existing Agreements:
Adding Licenses:
Institutions on agreements signed with Internet2 (“Type B” Enterprise Customer Agreement) may add licensing or make changes to their NET+ Zoom agreement by emailing netplus@internet2.edu.

Institutions on agreements signed directly with Zoom (“Type A” Customer Agreement) should work with their Zoom account manager directly. If you do not have contact information for your account manager, you may reach out to us at netplus@internet2.edu and we will make the connection.

Migrating to the latest Customer Agreement:
Existing subscribers are encouraged to migrate to the latest version of the Customer Agreement. You may learn more by reviewing this update.


Participate in our Online Community

Institutions subscribing to the NET+ Zoom program may take advantage of our email discussion list, receive our program newsletter, and participate in other activities and events by joining our NET+ Zoom email distribution list. Please contact netplus@internet2.edu to be added.

You may also visit our wiki space for additional program information.

Program Information

Eligible Subscribers: Not-for-profit higher education institutions whose main campuses are located in the United States, or entities mutually agreed to between Internet2 and Zoom.
Sponsors: University of Notre Dame
Email: netplus@internet2.edu
Contact: Brian Ladrido

Have Questions?

Reach out to us for more information about NET+ Zoom



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