
Registration Now Open for Internet2’s Learning Management Systems Town Hall Virtual Series

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By Dana Voss, Internet2 Program Manager, Cloud Services, Also by Matthew Buss, Internet2 Program Manager and Lydia Bredwood, Internet2 NET+ Intern

Internet2 is pleased to announce a Learning Management Systems (LMS) Town Hall Virtual Series, in conjunction with the NET+ LMS service providers Blackboard, Desire2Learn, and Instructure.

Register now for this two-part virtual series on June 24th from 2-3 p.m. EST and July 1st from 2-3:30 p.m. EST. 

Overall, the Virtual Town Hall Series will cover a variety of important topics such as:

  • Successes using LMS’s during the COVID-19 Crisis
  • Challenges encountered in the transition to virtual learning 
  • Lessons learned from the transition 
  • Plans for the Fall semester

The first session  I2 Online: Transitioning to an Online Learning Environment ‘On the Fly’ During COVID-19 — features a higher education panel discussion with LMS thought leaders and service owners on how they navigated the transition on their campuses to complete online instruction and remote learning. 

The second session — I2 Online: COVID-19 Next Steps: Preparing for Fall 2020 Semester and Beyond — features a panel of higher education representatives and NET+ LMS service providers. The panelists will review lessons learned while shifting to virtual learning environments due to the COVID-19 pandemic and how this impacted both higher ed and educational technology service providers. Higher education panelists and the LMS service providers will also discuss how they are preparing for online learning environments in the Fall. 

Register for the Virtual Town Hall series

Access the registration page to sign up for one or both LMS virtual events. Please contact us at netplus@internet2.edu with any questions you have about the Town Hall virtual series.