
Providing Self-Service Cloud Environments for Researchers

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NET+, Amazon Web Services Virtual Event Features Use Cases in Genomics and Biomed

By Tara Gyenis, Internet2 NET+ Program Development Manager

Register for this virtual event and join us on February 24th at 3:30 p.m. EST to learn how institutions are leveraging new Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud solutions to provide self-service cloud environments for researchers. With Internet2 and AWS, The University of Sydney and Harvard Medical School will share how RONIN and Service Workbench on AWS aid their institutions in providing self-service, managed, cloud-based research environments.

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RONIN, developed in collaboration with AWS, is a packaged solution that provides an easy-to-use console alternative for researchers to create virtual computers, high performance computing (HPC) clusters, and storage. Service Workbench on AWS, developed in collaboration with Harvard Medical School, is an open-sourced, cloud-based set of tools that are installed and managed by institutions enabling researchers to deploy data and tools within their secure IT environments.

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During this 90-minute virtual event, you can expect to learn how:

  • RONIN gives researchers explicit budget control and forecasting so they can use their research budgets effectively
  • RONIN also provides research IT with administrative oversight into researcher spend and control over the security policies enforced across all RONIN users
  • Service Workbench promotes collaboration around data, by enabling researchers to upload and share data sets, and also allows quick access to public research data sets hosted by AWS
  • Service Workbench provides researchers with spend transparency and control by enabling them to see individual workspace costs, as well as spend across projects and organizational units.

Featured speakers and contributors will include:

  • Parice Brandies, PhD Candidate, University of Sydney School of Life and Environmental Sciences
  • Paul Avillach, Assistant Professor in Pediatrics & Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital
  • Nathan Albrighton, CEO and Founder, RONIN
  • Madhu Bussa, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS
  • Oren Sreebny, Consultant Internet2 Cloud Programs, Internet2

Join us on February 24th at 3:30 p.m. ET/ 12:30 p.m. PT for this 90-minute session to hear these campus researchers share how these new AWS solutions are assisting them in setting up cloud-based research compute environments. Additionally, there will be an AWS Solutions Architect participating and available to answer any technical questions that you may have.