
Internet2 NET+ 1Password Now Available for Password Management Needs

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By Nidhi Yadav - Associate Program Manager, Internet2 NET+

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Internet2 adds a new NET+ offering to its catalog of cloud security services for the research and education community

The Internet2 NET+ team is excited to announce the launch of NET+ 1Password, a password management service that provides a place for users to store credentials, software licenses, and other sensitive information in a virtual vault.

1password logo

The research and higher education (R&E) community expressed interest in 1Password as an option for a secure and reliable password management tool at an enterprise scale. Internet2 pursued this collaboration with 1Password as a result of this interest.

We received support and continuous feedback from a Service Evaluation group — comprised of seven Internet2 member institutions — to evaluate 1Password service for its features, security, and accessibility. 

1Password recently joined Internet2 as an industry member, and is an active participant in the Internet2 Cloud Scorecard Directory, which provides a summary of how cloud vendors attest to meet the accessibility, security, technical, and contractual requirements of the research and education community.

Learn more about this community-driven process and outcome in an upcoming webinar on Sept. 26, 2024, at 2 p.m. ET that introduces newly available NET+ services. If you haven’t yet registered for the event, sign up today.

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NET+ 1Password Service Evaluation

The Service Evaluation for 1Password kicked off in early 2024. Seven Internet2 member institutions participated in assessing the service on its functional features and capabilities, security compliance, IT accessibility, and pricing. This process was then followed by a discussion on the customer agreement terms and conditions. 

Throughout the Service Evaluation process, the participating institutions, some of which are current users of the service, provided feedback on the product and posed questions for the 1Password team to help develop a program that would meet the specific needs of the R&E community with highly competitive pricing.

Hear what some of the Service Evaluation members have to say about the new NET+ 1Password service:

It was a pleasure to give back to the program we have benefitted from several times. In reviewing NET+ validated services, other higher education institutions can know that the services are vetted, work in our complex environments, and benefit from the larger competitive negotiation.

1Password blends an excellent user experience with solid security architecture. Being available through the NET+ program, Higher Education institutions can better secure their users and know there is a community of institutions available to help and share best practices.

You can read the details of the Service Evaluation on our NET+ 1Password Wiki page and refer to the many resource materials available there. 1Password has been very engaged in the process and is committed to continuing this collaborative relationship as the NET+ program develops with ongoing community input.

Thank you to Duke University, George Washington University, Harvard University, Indiana University, New York University, the University of Kentucky, and the University of Wisconsin – Madison for their efforts to help evaluate 1Password for the Internet2 community.

Have Questions?

If you or someone at your institution has any questions about NET+ 1Password or any of our NET+ services, the Service Evaluation process, or suggested new services, please reach out to Services – Internet2.