
NET+ Cloud Scorecard April 2021 Update

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By Tara Gyenis, Internet2 NET+ Program Development

The Internet2 NET+ Cloud Scorecard Pilot Prepares to Launch: Participate to Help the Community Meet Shifting Cloud Needs 

The Cloud Scorecard Working Group, convened by Internet2’s NET+ cloud services program, released its final report in February 2021 and calls for additional Internet2 members to participate in the second phase focused on the implementation of the scorecard.

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Phase 2 of the Cloud Scorecard Working Group will kick off by late April 2021 to advise on the format and tools needed to launch the program by mid-to-late summer. We are seeking community members to join the working group in this next phase to provide input as we develop and test the cloud scorecard’s online presence. Interested industry participants are also invited to be a part of a subgroup to advise on the format and process as part of a pilot launch. If you would like to join either group, please contact Tara Gyenis

The NET+ Program Advisory Group and other stakeholders were consulted to refine the direction for the new working group, review the requirements, and deploy a pilot program. The objective of the cloud scorecard remains to provide a means to quickly assess the degree to which cloud services meet common requirements for operating in the complex technology, security, compliance, and legal environments in higher education and research institutions.  

ICYMI: this I2 Online event summary recording on Building a Cloud Assessment Scorecard provides additional background on this NET+ initiative. We are excited to support the community with discovery and assessment of a variety of cloud service offerings as this program develops. 

Come work with your peers to help shape the future and meet your shifting needs in the cloud!