
Internet2 Industry Lightning Lounge Delivers Bite-Sized Industry Updates and the Chance to Chat

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By Ben Fineman, Internet2 Director, Industry Engagement

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Raise your hand if you have time to go to another dozen webinars on different industry solutions? I sure don’t. But most of our member universities tell us that keeping up to speed on the latest developments from the technology industry is critically important for themselves as well as their organizations. Combine this with the fact that at a “normal” webinar, the closest thing you’re going to get to meaningful collaboration is to hear the moderator read your question out loud (if you’re lucky), you might as well watch the recording!

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This is why we launched the Internet2 Industry Member Lightning Lounge, with the next session coming up on July 13 at 1 p.m. ET. Register today!

This action-packed event combines bite-sized two-minute talks from a selection of advanced technology companies who are members of Internet2, with dedicated time to rub elbows around virtual cocktail tables and have individual conversations with the presenters and other participants. The goal is to make the most effective use of your time — and judging by the great feedback we’ve gotten after the first event, I think we’re on to something!

We’re pleased to have these topics at our second Industry Lightning Lounge Event:

  • Digital Signatures for Higher Ed: Joshua Lambert, Partner Manager, AirSlate
  • Restoring Trust in Email Communications: Courtney Kegelmayer, Director, Armorblox
  • Advanced Networking with the Internet2 Community: Gauravdeep Shami, Researcher, Ciena
  • Partnering with Technology to Advance R&E: Charles Stafford, VP, PIER Group
  • Delivering Academic Software Anywhere: Chris Valada, VP, Software2
  • Cloud Resources for Researchers: Mary Olson, Program Lead, Oracle

No Sales Pitches, Just Community Engagement

Let’s be clear, this is not a sales pitch! Each presenter will be focusing on projects and engagements of interest to the research and education community, NOT their latest opportunities for you to buy their products or services. And with a strictly enforced limit of only two minutes, you’ll be able to pack a lot of new information into the limited time that you have.

We are recording the lightning talks and will share the recording with you if you are unable to attend. We encourage you to come so you don’t miss out on the conversations. As an extra bonus, we’ll be holding a drawing for two $25 Amazon gift cards at the end of the event, but you have to be present to win! Hope to see you there on July 13 at 1 p.m. ET. Don’t forget to register!

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