Dana Brunson

Executive Director, Research Engagement

Dana Brunson photo

Dr. Dana Brunson is Executive Director for Research Engagement at Internet2. She is responsible for developing, directing, and executing Internet2’s strategy and active engagement with the national and global communities that supports the effective use and development of research cyberinfrastructure. Dana also provides leadership for the XSEDE Campus Champion program, the Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC), and Trusted CI, the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. Prior to joining Internet2 in January 2019, she was Assistant Vice President for Research Cyberinfrastructure, Director of the Oklahoma State University High Performance Computing Center, and co-lead of the OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative. She earned her Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin and master’s and bachelor’s degrees in mathematics from OSU..

Dr. Brunson has been actively involved with Internet2’s efforts around research engagement as a vested community leader and brings a wealth of experience supporting the research mission of higher education with a deep understanding of research computing. Some of her notable achievements include co-leading the OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative and co-managing the XSEDE Campus Engagement program through support from the National Science Foundation.

Dr. Brunson is also a leader and member of the Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC) Council and serves on multiple national advisory committees. She has participated as principal investigator and co-principal investigator on multiple significant awards, many of which have greatly increased research computing and CI capabilities for OSU, the state of Oklahoma, and the Great Plains Network.

Under Dr. Brunson’s leadership, Internet2 looks forward to continuing a focused approach in our research engagement and community engagement efforts, as well as how our efforts and services can be leveraged across both the national and global research and education communities to further advance collaboration, science and scholarship.