2022 Internet2 Technology Exchange | Dec. 5-9, Denver, CO

Call for Working Meetings

The Call for Working Meetings is now closed.

Proposal Submissions Are Now Closed

One of the many benefits of the 2022 Internet2 Technology Exchange is the opportunity to hold working meetings—working or advisory groups, birds-of-a-feather groups (BoFs), special interest groups (SIGS), etc.—in conjunction with other meeting activities. As always, proposals closely linked to each of the session interest areas (advanced networking, cloud technology, identity & access management, information security, and research engagement) are given first consideration; in general, proposals are considered “as space is available” and on a first-come-first-served policy.

Thank you for your continued engagement with this community – the event is stronger every year due to your involvement and willingness to share experiences and best practices with your peers!