
CommEX24 Speaker Spotlight: University of Chicago’s Cornelia Ann Bailey Makes the Case for Collaborative Cloud Enablement

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By Apryl Motley - Technical Writer & Communications Lead, Internet2 Trust and Identity/NET+ Service

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Certainly, there’s a first time for everything. Just ask The University of Chicago’s Cornelia Ann Bailey. She’ll be a first-time attendee and presenter at the 2024 Internet2 Community Exchange (CommEX), March 4 – 7, in Chicago. 

Bailey’s session, “Cloud Enablement, 3-Legged Race Style,” will be part of the cloud track at CommEX. Attendees will learn about the University of Chicago’s holistic, partnership-focused approach to responsible use of the cloud. The university has taken a customer-collaborative, iterative approach to cloud enablement. 

While her tenure at the university spans 20+ years, she’s been in her current role as director of information assurance (a part of the IT security group) for the last three.

What prompted her to submit a session for CommEX? “I’d like feedback on how other groups are dealing with the same regulatory pressures in the cloud,” Bailey said, “and I figured the best way to do it would be to explain our situation.”

Why bring this issue to the community’s attention? Cloud enablement is an important topic to address as many research and education institutions determine how best to deploy their often limited resources. “Many schools have had to do cloud enablement on the lean, and we’re no different,” Bailey observed. “Revisiting the composition of your team and consciously deciding where you do and don’t provide value matters.”

Cornelia Ann Bailey posing for a profile photo.

Fun Facts

What She Likes Most About Her Job:

What I most like about my job are the people I work with. I’m grateful to have smart, compassionate and very funny coworkers.

Best Advice About the Cloud She Ever Received (& from whom):

Bill Wrobleski’s “The BIG LIE” presentation at Cloud Forum several years ago. It was the first serious pivot in my thinking since the cloud conversation started in higher education years ago.

What will be the main takeaway from her presentation? “If you’re measured on your ability to support research, and you are convinced that agility with regulations matters, our situation may resonate,” she noted.

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Interested in attending Bailey’s presentation or the many other educational sessions at CommEX? Please visit the registration page to get details. 

Check out more sessions in the cloud track .