
NET+ Cloud Services Has a New Front Door

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By Sean O’Brien - Associate Vice President, NET+, Internet2

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Have you seen our new front door? We’ve engaged with stakeholders to revisit, clarify, and repackage the reasons why Internet2 members and participants find the NET+ Program so useful and how research and education institutions benefit when adopting Cloud Services through NET+.

Much has changed in the past 10 years since the NET+ program was launched. One element has remained consistent. The Internet2 NET+ program is where the research and education community comes together to solve cloud challenges by mitigating risk and maximizing opportunity. 

New NET+ Resources
Visit the new
NET+ web pages
Image of the new NET+ landing page

The new front door for NET+ is designed to share the story of what the Internet2 NET+ community has accomplished working together, to highlight how you can take advantage of all this work, and to invite you to participate in helping us design the program to meet emerging needs. You will find new resources collected here for your own purposes–and to share with colleagues.

Over the next few weeks, we will provide additional new resources and commentary that aim to revisit and clarify the usefulness of the NET+ Cloud Services Program. For those of you who have been engaged with us for a while, these will simply be good reminders; but these may be new ideas to ponder for those not as familiar with NET+. 

Either way, we hope they provide a fresh approach for anyone seeking Cloud Services vetted and configured by peers, specifically for research and education institutions.