
Internet2 Peer Exchange Update: Microsoft, Box, and Oracle Routes Will Transition to I2PX-only in October

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By Chris Wilkinson, Internet2 Network Services Director of Planning and Architecture

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

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Beginning in October 2021, Internet2 will remove Microsoft, Box, and the original Oracle Cloud Platform (AS7160) routes from the Advanced Layer 3 Service (AL3S) for research and education (R&E): AS11537. These routes will be transitioned to Internet2 Peer Exchange (I2PX)-only.

These peers were originally included in the R&E service due to their participation in the Internet2 NET+ program, but have since departed from the program for a variety of reasons. Box and Microsoft both withdrew from the NET+ program in 2019, and Oracle withdrew in 2020. 

Depending on local routing configurations and preferences, some partners may see changes in traffic patterns, latency, and even connectivity. 

Microsoft and Box routes will remain available via the AL3S I2PX service: AS11164. Additionally, routes for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI/AS31898), which has largely replaced the legacy Oracle Cloud Platform, will remain available through AS11164.

If you have any questions about this I2PX transition, please contact networkdevelopment@internet2.edu.