
Internet2 Announces Agreement for Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access Service

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By Nick Lewis, Internet2 Program Manager, Security and Identity

A pre-service evaluation agreement for Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access Service was just signed. Campuses can now use it if they need to address emerging campus remote access needs while the longer-term NET+ program is developed with Palo Alto Networks. This agreement has custom pricing for campuses to use during their transition to remote learning and work. Campuses will be able to transition to the full NET+ Palo Alto service when service evaluation is completed. The pre-service evaluation agreement for Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access Service will be available working with Carahsoft and the reseller of your choice.

View the Webinar

We held a recent community call, “NET+ Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access Community Call” on Wednesday, April 1 to get feedback from the community on how to shape the program. If you missed the community call, or just want to listen to it again, you can access the recording.

The presentation slides are also available.

Your feedback is very important to us. Please let us know if you have any feedback on this webinar – did it help meet your immediate campus needs?

Latest on NET+ Service Evaluation Campuses

The NET+ Palo Alto Networks service evaluation campuses will continue to work on the full NET+ Palo Alto service evaluation over the next coming months to develop the full program for the community.

For more information, please contact Nick Lewis at netplus@internet2.edu. If your campus is interested in signing up for the service or for pricing, please contact Carahsoft team at paloaltonetworks@carahsoft.com.

Palo Alto Networks also has recently published a new guide on Secure Access Software Edge (SASE) that may help some campuses taking a hard look at their VPN as part of longer-term planning around secure remote access.

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