
Government Relations Update April 2022

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By Matthew Hall, Internet2 External Relations Program Manager

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Internet2 Files Comments on Routing Security

On April 13, Internet2 filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response to its Notice of Inquiry (NOI) regarding threats to the security and integrity of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). 

Internet2 recommended five actions the FCC could take to improve routing security: (1) make the concepts of routing security accessible and important to decision makers; (2) increase access to router configuration training; (3) promote the development and adoption of network configuration tools that will aid in the consistent implementation of the desired routing policy; (4) facilitate the development and operation of a research and education (R&E) routing security observatory to provide the ability to independently measure the alignment with secure route policy; and (5) encourage the development and maintenance of an R&E routing security control framework for assessing an organization’s routing security. 

A copy of Internet2’s filing is available for download. Additional context and information about the filing are available.

Final Negotiation on Competition Legislation Authorized

On April 28, the Senate voted 67-27 to agree to authorize a conference committee to negotiate an agreement with the House on reconciling differences between the Senate-passed United States Innovation and Competition Act (USICA) (S.1260) and the House-passed America COMPETES Act (H.R. 4521).  This follows a similar vote by the House in March.  Both bills contain considerable investments in R&D, structural changes to the operations of the National Science Foundation (NSF), and financial incentives to encourage domestic semi-conductor manufacturing. Now that a conference committee has been authorized by both chambers, conferees will meet to resolve differences between the two bills so that a final compromise version can be passed and signed into law later this year. 

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